Mar Griera
Professor of the Department of Sociology of the UAB, and since 2016 she is the director of the ISOR research group. She has been a guest researcher at the University of Lausanne (2016), the University of Boston (2009), the University of Amsterdam (2008), the University of Exeter (2006) and the University of Strasbourg (2004). Her research has been recognized with numerous awards such as the “la Caixa” Social Sciences Award (2003), the extraordinary doctoral thesis award (2009) and the “Manuel Sales i Farré” award of Sociology (2011) of the “Institut d’ Estudis Catalans”. Her research focuses on investigating the intersection between religion, spirituality, identity and politics in contemporary Europe. She has coordinated different competitive projects in these areas, and she has extensively published the results in academic journals and books. It is also worth mentioning the involvement of Dr. Griera in knowledge transfer activities with public administrations and civil society.
- 2017 (with W. Cadge, I. Micahlowsi and K. Lucken). Religion in Public Institutions: Comparative Perspectives from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. DOI: 10.1111/jssr.12350
- 2017 (with A. Astor and M. Burchardt). “The Politics of Religious Heritage: Making Claims to Religion as Culture”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. DOI: 10.1111/jssr.12321
- 2017 Yoga in Penitentiary Settings: Transcendence, Spirituality, and Self-Improvement”. Human Studies. DOI: 10.1007/s10746-016-9404-6. 5
- 2015 (with M. Burchardt and G. García-Romeral) “Narrating Liberal Rights and Culture: Muslim Face-Veiling, Urban Coexistence and Contention in Spain”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 41(7): 1068-1087.
- 2015 (with A. Clot). “Banal is not trivial. Visibility, recognition and inequalities between religious groups in prison”. Journal of Contemporary Religion. 30-1, pp.23-37.
Areas of interest
- Sociology of religion
- Contemporary sociological theory
- Sociology of memory, culture and identities
- Coordinator of the Cultural Department of the Department of Sociology of the UAB.
- Coordinator of the subjects “Contemporary Sociological Thought” and “Sociology of Religion” of the Degree on Sociology at the UAB.
- Collaboration with different master programs giving lectures about religious diversity and public policies, and supervision of doctoral theses in these areas.
Departament de Sociologia
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Edifici B, B3-117 – 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)