Eugeni Garcia Rierola
PhD in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2021) with the Thesis: Sintonia callada: sociabilitat i transcendència en pràctiques modernes de silenci (Silent tunning: sociability and transcendence in modern practices of silence). His research project focuses on the experience of silence as a source of meaning in contemporary society, based on the analysis of different silencing practices linked to transcendence in areas such as art or spirituality. He combines his sociological research with professional practice and teaching in the fields of e-learning and psychosociology applied to the prevention of occupational risks. He is a pedagogical coordinator and professor of different master’s degrees at the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia and the European University of Madrid. He is also a a affiliated teacher at the Open University of Catalonia.
- 2019 (with S. Iglesias & J.P. Cerro). Ensenyament i aprenentatge en l’era digital. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Areas of interest
Sociology of religion
Education, ICT and knowledge society
Psychosociology applied to the prevention of occupational risks
Professor of the Master’s Degree in Education and ICT (e-learning) of the Open University of Catalonia.
Professor of the University Master in Prevention of Occupational Risks of the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia.
Professor of the Master in Integrated Management and Certification Standards of the University of Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya.
Coordinator and professor of the Master in Management of Training at the European University of Madrid
Coordinador y profesor del Máster en Gestión de la Formación de la Universidad Europea de Madrid.