Carolina Esteso

FPI Doctoral Reserarcher at the Doctoral Program in Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her research focuses on the influence of local public policies of Madrid and Barcelona in the transformation of the religious experience of the Sikh communities, directed by Dr. Maria del Mar Griera Llonch (UAB) and Dr. Monica Cornejo Valley (UCM). She is a member of the research group in area of Sociology of Religion (ISOR) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and member of the scientific committee of the international congresses – Association AIBR.

Her previous researches are related to the Wiccan neo-paganism and Hellenic Reconstructionism, alternative systems of communication, spirituality and alternative methods of healing.

She obtained a Master Degree of Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology from the University Complutense of Madrid, and she holds a Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the same university, as well as Degree in Social Education by the University of Castilla Mancha and expertise of social integration.

Previously, she has been collaborating with the Department of Social Anthropology at the UCM, working in a project: “Study on the abandonment of enrolment as a part of Social Anthropology of the UCM” and in the Association AIBR as an anthropologist.

Areas of interest

Impact of local Public Policies on Migrant Religions

New Religious and Spiritual Movements



Qualitative methodologies



Co-tutor of external practices of the Master’s in Social Policy at the UAB

Ethical issues in ethnographic research in Social Anthropology UCM

Training workshops in Institutes of secondary education of the THAM Commonwealth in Madrid, on drugs, techniques of study and prevention in new technologies

Social, personal and communication skills for teaching at the Balia Foundation