Rosa Martínez-Cuadros
Postdoctoral researcher “Juan de la Cierva” at the Department of Anthropology of the University of Barcelona, and member of the research group GENI. She also collaborates with ISOR research group, after completing her PhD within this group. PhD in Sociology with International Mention and Cum Laude Mention from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2022. She has been a visiting researcher at the University of Birmingham and her previous predoctoral training took place at the Pompeu Fabra University (Bachelor in Humanities), at Boston College (Bilateral Agreement during the degree), at the University of Barcelona (Master in Anthropology) and at the University of Manchester (MA Religion and Political Life). Her doctoral thesis was funded by FPU grants from the Ministry of Universities. In 2021 she received the “Peter B Clarke Memorial Essay Prize” for an essay written on the basis of her doctoral thesis. Her research addresses the study of Islam, gender and political and social participation. She has also collaborated in several research projects on religious diversity and public expressions of religion, with a gender perspective. In 2022 she received funding from the University of Birmingham’s INSBS, for a project on the intersection between Islam, science and health. She now conducts research on the intersection between islam, science and health and, more concretely, on infertility and the use of assisted reproductive techniques.
– Griera Llonch, Mar i Martinez-Cuadros, Rosa (2021). Feminisme i religió: una relació impossible? en Feminismes, religions y llibertat de consciència. Informe Ferrer i Guàrdia., pp.17-29.
– Martinez-Cuadros, Rosa, Carolina Estesio Rubio, Mar Griera. (2021). Defying secularization. Biographical trajectories of young Muslim and Sikh women activists in Barcelona, in “Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa, Rivista quadrimestrale” 3/2021, pp. 411-432, doi: 10.3240/102936
-Blanco, Víctor Albert, and Rosa Martínez-Cuadros. (2021). “Conmemorar la Ashura en la diáspora. Limitaciones y posibilidades en el uso del espacio público en Barcelona y París.” Revista de estudios internacionales mediterráneos 30, pp. 1-23.
Areas of interest
-Islam and gender
-Religious diversity, public sphere and political participation
-Islam, science and health