ISOR is part of the consortium which is developing the research project “Religion at European Parliament – RelEP”. RelEP is an international research project that investigates the religious beliefs and preferences of the members of the European Parliament (MEPs). In particular, RelEP aims at answering at the following questions:
- Are European elites more secularized than EU citizens and national politicians?
- Which effects does religion have on the political socialization of MEPs (cross-party structures, religious lobbies) and, conversely, what is the EP’s influence on religion?
- How do religion, coalition- and decision-making interact at the European level? What happens in the triangular relationship between nation, Europe, and religion?
The project is coordinated by Professor François Foret, director of the Centre d’étude de la vie politique de l’ULB – (Cevipol), Université Libre de Bruxelles. ISOR has already participated in the first wave of the project (2009-2014), which allowed the following contribution:
Garcia-Romeral, G. & Griera, M. (2014) “Politics and religion beyond state borders: the activity of Spanish MEPs on religious issues”, Religion, State and Society, nº 42. DOI: 10.1080/09637494.2014.941615